Scholarships and Awards
Each year at the annual Dean's Night, the Bronze Medal Awards and the BGS Scholarships are presented to Beta Gamma Sigma inductees from each of the AACSB accredited business schools in the metropolitan area. One Carmen Webster Kelly award is also made to the outstanding female student from among the nominees of the participating deans.
Beta Gamma Alumni Bronze Medallion
This award is presented to an undergraduate senior and a graduating M.B.A. who have exhibited outstanding character, exceptional scholastic abilities, a record of participation in collegiate activities and the promise of future business leadership.This individual shall have been inducted into Beta Gamma Sigma or selected for induction.
Beta Gamma Sigma Scholarship Award ($500)
The award is presented to a graduating senior or Masters student who is continuing his/her studies in business. To be eligible for the scholarship award the selected student must be enrolled for graduate study in a masters or doctoral program in business and exhibit the qualities described above for the medallion winner.
Carmen Webster Kelly Scholarship Award
This award is presented to the outstanding female graduating senior or Master's student who is continuing her studies in business. To be eligible for the scholarship award, the selected student must be enrolled for graduate study in a master's or doctoral program in business and encompass the qualities described above for the medallion
The Beta Gamma Sigma Alumni in NYC
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